
Usage : Tattoo removal, Age Spot , Freckles

Theory of picosecond laser machine
The PicoSecond Laser uses ultra-short pulses (one trillionth of a second in length) to hit the melanin with a great pressure, the melanin shatters into tiny dust-like particles. Because the particles are so small, they are more readily absorbed and eliminated by the body. This can mean better clearance of the melanin and less treatments overall. PicoSecond Laser is a quick and easy non-surgical, non-invasive laser skin treatment for the body including chest or decollete, face, hands, legs, and more.

Treatment Area of picosecond laser machine
Tattoo Removal (All color tattoo, eyeline and lipline removal) Epidermis and dermis pigment(Removal of Pigmented lesions, coffee spot ,Senile plaques, freckle, sunburn spot and chloasma) Acne Scar Treatment ,Nevus of Ota, blue naevus, black nevus Skin whitening and wrinkle removal etc.